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Spinifex Baby

Tassie Launch

       Snow softened the top of Mt Wellington and freezing blasts of wind pushed woollen clad crowds off the streets into Fullers Bookshop on Thursday night. The contrast was stark as Chris Gallagher and I conversed about the realities of living in the heart… Read More »Tassie Launch

Two days to go..

Two days until the Tasmanian launch at Fullers bookshop. It ‘s such an honour to be able to have this event surrounded by people who helped me over the past five years to make this book a reality.    

Hits the bookshops

Thanks to a friend in Adelaide (who I’ve known since I was 12!) who sent this photo of her gorgeous son pointing at my book. It’s amazing to see the books go on display in bookstores in my old home town.

Life Matters

It has meant so much to me to hear a little piece of other peoples stories, which they have shared with me after hearing the Life Matters interview on Monday:—finch-memoir-winner-2014/5473490  Everyone has a story to tell, I just happened to write… Read More »Life Matters

Heidi Douglas

One woman’s moving story of discovering the paradox of the unique beauty and harsh reality of living in the Australian Simpson Desert. – Heidi Douglas, author of Catch up with the Sun